DFW Concealed Carry Permit Class: Get Your License to Carry
LTC Prep Course
Before you show up to the License to Carry Class and decide to carry a weapon in public there is a lot to consider—the responsibility to yourself and those around you. America needs skilled and educated gun owners to help keep society a safer place for us all, and this is a great course for anyone embarking on the journey.
We will show you what you need to know to be safe and effective as you continue on to get your LTC but most importantly we will discuss scenarios to get you thinking and help prevent you from finding yourself behind bars out of ignorance. We are not lawyers, this is not legal advice, but we will go over specific court cases, what was done right, what was done wrong, and why that person did or didn't spend the next 20 years in prison. This could very likely be the most important class you've ever taken in your life...
Topics covered will include:
5 safety rules
Anatomy of a pistol
Self defense mindset
Scenario discussions
Dry fire
Live fire
Proper tourniquet application
LTC / CHL Class
This class provides the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) required classroom training and firearm qualification students need in order to obtain a Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC).
We will administer the qualification test required by the State of Texas to demonstrate your ability to safely and properly handle and shoot a handgun. The shooting qualification last an hour. Additionally, there is a 4-6 hour period of classroom instruction.
Note: The LTC Class is not intended to train students how to shoot a handgun. This is why we provide the LTC Prep Course for those of you who have never touched a boom-stick before.
Please review our "Equipment to Bring" and be prepared when you show up, but here are the essentials.
Many of the answers to your LTC questions can be found by clicking here.