Firearm Skill Levels Defined
DFW Firearm Classes: Expert Training for Safe and Confident Use
Are you having a gun related identity crisis? Are you a beginner, intermediate, or advanced gunslinger? The truth is, there is no universal standard of measure.
To help you answer this question and better identify where your firearm experience level meets our class curriculum, here are some details to consider when you are deciding which of our classes to attend.
New or Beginner Shooter (Cutting Teeth)
Does not know how to safely manipulate a weapon. Does not know the basics of how firearm works. Has never fired a gun or has for fun, but has never been formally taught safe weapons handling or marksmanship.
Intermediate Shooter (Sharpened Claws)
Has received formal training and can properly manipulate a weapon safely and accurately on the firing line. Has incorporated the 5 safety rules into their nightly prayers. Can perform accurate single and controlled pair shots on target with confidence from the ready position.
Advanced Shooter (Savage Grizzly)
Can check the boxes for New and Intermediate shooter descriptions. Can safely draw from a holster (concealed or open carry) or with a slung rifle to engage targets. Can safely and confidently move in all directions while accurately engaging targets from different positions or around barricades. This is done with 100% muzzle awareness to not pose any risk to other shooters on the range.
It is not enough to have attended a class to learn these skills.
We are not the DMV handing a drivers license to teenagers. Be humble in your self assessment! There is no such thing as a fender bender on the gun line. You must spend time practicing and developing proficiency of each of these phases of training before you can make the claim to have reached that skill level. For example: If you've attended our Cutting Teeth class but not been to the range to practice those skills afterward, GO SHOOT MORE! You need to spend a sufficient amount of time practicing what you've learned before you sign up to attend the next level course.