Handgun Classes in DFW
Beginner Handgun Class - Cutting Teeth
We are proud to offer the best handgun classes and firearms training in DFW. The Cutting Teeth handgun class is our beginner firearms class; where new shooters come to “cut their teeth”. Safety is paramount when handling the worlds greatest equalizer, and this new shooter class will leave empowered to handle a firearm safely and with the knowledge of fundamental marksmanship.
While this handgun class will focus on firearm techniques developed through years of competitive shooting and combat military deployments, we breakdown the crossover between the competitive world and the “Tactical/Practical” world. The shooting is the same, but the applications differ.
When you leave class you will have a clear understanding of safety and marksmanship, how to train more effectively with LESS AMMO, and plenty of homework!
All beginner handgun classes in DFW come with loaner ear protection and eye protection. Learn more about what gear to bring to our beginner pistol class HERE.
DFW firearms classes are scheduled between 2 different ranges conveniently located in either Fort Worth or Waxahachie - click HERE to learn more.
Handgun class overview includes but not limited to:
2.5-hour course
5 main safety rules
Anatomy of the pistol
Safe pistol handling and manipulation
Loading and Unloading
Trigger control
Shooting from behind cover
Proper tourniquet application
Having fun!
Intermediate Handgun Class - Sharpened Claws
Our intermediate handgun class, Sharpened Claws is for those shooters who have a strong foundation of handgun safety and marksmanship. This handgun class is designed for shooters looking to “sharpen their claws” and take the next step into dynamic training. Whether you're seeking to join the competition shooting arena or advance your self defense skills, this pistol class is the training you'll wish you had.
The measure of every gun fighter is prevalent in their ability to shoot, move, and communicate. Our goal is to take your ability to safely manipulate your weapon from a stationary position to a dynamic one. You'll learn the key skills to skin that smoke wagon and engage multiple targets on the move.
Additionally, you will learn the differences in cover and concealment, and how to utilize them in the event you ever find yourself on what we call a "two-way range”.
All intermediate and advanced handgun classes in DFW come with loaner ear protection and eye protection. Learn more about what gear to bring to our beginner pistol class HERE.
DFW handgun classes are scheduled between 2 different ranges conveniently located in either Fort Worth or Waxahachie - click HERE to learn more.
Handgun class overview includes but not limited to:
4-hour course
How to draw a pistol from outside-the-waistband carry
Speed reload and combat reload
Clearing common pistol malfunctions
Shooting on the move
Transitioning between multiple targets
Double-tap fire
Immediate and remedial action (malfunction drills)
Self defense mindset
Situational awareness
Proper tourniquet application under stress
Having fun!